Preserve Your Memories - Transfer your old video, film, slides & audio to DVD, CD or digital file.

Slide & Photo Scanning

Slide/Photo scans have a $29.95 Minimum. All files are Jpeg @ 1000DPI for slides, and 600 DPI Jpeg for flatbed scans. (other formats/resolutions available w/charge). We clean and prep all film for scan. If photos to be scanned are large/mounted/odd shaped, they will be scanned at the flatbed scanner rate.

If you provide a blank flash drive/hard drive/thumb drive with adequate space, there is no charge. After your job is finished, we will let you know what size of drive to bring, but if you want to bring one when dropping off, a Blank 64GB flash/thumb drive covers most projects. If you would like us to provide a flash/thumb drive (or burn a Data DVD) they are available for $24.95

If you already have online storage, we can upload to your services free of charge.

35mm Slides to File - JPEG (1000DPI)

  • 1 500 Slides = $0.65/scan ($29.95 Min)
  • 501 2000 Slides = $0.45/scan
  • 2001 5000 Slides = $0.37/scan
  • 5000 Slides and up = $0.35/scan

35mm Slides to File Archival JPEG (10,000DPI)

  • All Quantities = $25/scan ($100 Min)

Printed Photos to File - JPEG (600 DPI)

  • 1 500 Photos = $0.50/scan ($29.95 Min)
  • 501 2000 Photos = $0.45/scan
  • 2001 5000 Photos = $0.35/scan
  • 5000 Photos and up = $0.25/scan

Flatbed Scan to file:
(large/mounted/damaged photos & items up to 11.5

  • All Quantities = $1.00/scan ($29.95 Min)